Saturday, April 17, 2010

Make it Work

After I was finished reading through Personality Plus, I decided that, if i could, I would try to change the way I act, in order to change my personality type. Because my perfect melancholy personality type labels me as pessimistic, emotional, and sensitive, I tried my hardest to hold in my emotions and just smile for a day. For the most part, the smiling made me feel happier, but by the end of the day I just didn't feel quite right. I decided that I had to vent about the things that had caused me problems earlier in the day. After venting to a friend or two, I felt better. Consequently, I came to the realization that I'll always need to express my emotions. Changing how I acted made me feel happier, but it was impossible for me to change who I am- a perfect melancholy. No matter how hard I try, I'll always have those emotions built up inside of me, and, in my opinion, it's best not to let them build up to a point where they can cause me problems. It's always best to let your emotions out before they come to a climax.

However, knowing that i was able to flip my frown upside down made me feel hopeful. People would tell me how my natural expression is gloomy and depressing. I never even realized it. Sometimes I feel happy, yet my expression still comes off sad. Maybe it's best to smile when you can, and let the emotions out when they're there. Letting emotions out doesn't mean crying, swearing, or hitting someone in the face. It simply means showing how you feel. When you love someone, you tell them. When you're upset about something, you vent about it and then forget that it ever happened. I, myself, have a serious problem with holding onto things. I can never let things go. When something's important to me and I mess it up, it stays with me for abnormally long periods of time; whether it concerns a relationship, or whether I'm just playing poker with my friends. Essentially, I can regret hurting someone else, or I can regret folding an ace-seven off suit. No matter what the case, I know that one thing I can change is my problem with holding onto things. I may not be able to change the fact that I'm a perfect melancholy, but at least I can change how I carry myself. I can change my gloomy expression to a smile, and even though I may not be cheery on the inside, my smile will rub off on others. Whether we're gloomy perfect melancholies, or happy go-lucky popular sanguines, we all make our own happiness by how we approach the day-to-day.

Reading- Personality Plus (pgs. 1-100)- Nonfiction

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