Friday, April 16, 2010


Lately I've been reading a book that discusses the different personalities of the human being. According to this book, the three main types of personality types are powerful chloric, perfect melancholy, and popular sanguine. After reading through a section of the book, I decided to skip around and take the survey to place my self in a category for personality type.

After taking the survey I realized that my personality type was perfect melancholy, as my score for perfect melancholy was significantly higher than my score for the other two types. After finding out my personality type, I decided to skip to that section and read about it. Most of the discussion of the perfect melancholy personality type seemed to refer to a depressed and sentimental human being. It took me a while to accept it, but I now realize how much i can relate to the description for the perfect melancholy personality type. The main characteristics of a perfect melancholy human being were smart, conservative, pessimistic, insecure, sentimental, thoughtful, and perfectionist. I hate to apply the terms somber and insecure to my person, but I can't deny that those traits fit me fairly well.
I read through the other personality type descriptions and I proceeded to notice some of the traits of my friends and family members. I was able to place a few people into personality categories just for kicks. I read a section titled " How to Cheer up a Perfect Melancholy." At that point I did not want to have anything to do with some of the traits applicable to the perfect melancholy personality, but after reading through this specific section I saw how closely I could relate to it. Most of the examples listed were things that could actually cheer me up or make me smile. In the end, I accepted my personality type, but I was perplexed by a few things. First of all, it made no sense to me how every single person in the world could fit their personalities into each category so comfortably. I decided that there must be certain people who share many different traits from the three categories. I also found it horrifying how I could be negatively affecting others with my pessimistic outlook on life. It was somewhat of an epiphany for me. I knew then that I had to change, because it had never been my intention to put others down. Lastly, I was able to acknowledge that I shared similar traits with the other two personality types as well. As far as the popular sanguine type goes, I share the ability to joke around, and along with other people who belong to the powerful chloric type, I'm capable of organization.

Literally, I had read a light book about the study of the human mind and personality, but, technically, I had just experienced a complete volte-face in my thought process.

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