Sunday, May 23, 2010

Making Mountains out of Molehills

So I just got back from my soccer tournament down in Columbus, Indiana, and for one reason or another my last post did not register on the day that I had entered it from my dad's laptop. Anyway, it's re-entered so I'm satisfied, and I hope my loyal subscribers can forgive me for postponing their main source of entertainment.

In this segment of "Getting Thematic" I'd like to discuss my third theme that I have selected from I Know What You Did Last Summer; the capability of a short moment of weakness to cause a massive downfall in one's life. This theme ties into the designated driver's accidental vehicular manslaughter of the strange man in the road. Had the driver been paying more attention, something of that magnitude would have been easily avoided. Because the driver was in a state of mental and physical disillusionment, being drunk and thinking about other things, he hit the man and may have drastically altered the lives of himself and his three friends. Such a small amount of time may have changed his entire life in an ineffable way. This goes for everyone. Everyone has done something stupid in their life, and some have been affected by this stupid action or decision. Before the fact, we all feel invincible. We go by a crash site on the highway and we say "that sucks for him, but what are the chances of that happening to me?" Well, technically, the chances are the same for everyone without putting drugs, alcohol, or disabilities in the picture. This is how Rodney Thompson died, in fact. He was looking down at his phone and he crashed. The slightest moment of weakness took Rodney's life and caused an emotional breakdown throughout the groups of his family and friends. In I Know What You Did Last Summer, the driver's bad choice in drinking too much at the party and getting caught up in the spirit of the late night car ride led to an event that has the potential of destroying the lives of four striving human beings.

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