Sunday, May 16, 2010


Why is it so important that Dave Cullen gets the story straight for all of the skeptics of the Columbine shooting? It's because truth is one of the most important principles known to man. Even the smallest white lie can come back and stab someone in the back when he/she is at the end of his/her rope. Truth is vital specifically in relationships, but it needs to be valued at a constant level throughout every stage of life. If everyone was to go on thinking of the Columbine shooting in the way it was portrayed, we would all blindly believe that only crazy kids commit mass murders. The fact that Dylan and Eric were not noticeably mentally ill until the shooting is vital knowledge for making schools safer and always being ready for the worst. Therefore, truth is key not only in people-to-people relationships, but also when dealing with the facts.

Without truth we would all assume that only a select few kids are capable of carrying out such a violent act, when, in truth, every kid is capable of doing anything at any time, depending on the way they feel and the people whom they are influenced by. Dylan and Eric seemed like average high school kids, but their growing anger, which was dissembled from the view of others, led to their sudden decision to try something new at the expense of many children's developing lives. Consequently, Dave Cullen's clarification of the event and the many assumptions that people have about it is key in maintaining trust, and protecting schools that are capable of protecting themselves by preparing for the worst to happen at any moment in time.

Truth is vital everywhere: in the home, in fact, in fiction, in business, in love, and in friendship. It is the most substantial infrastructure in our world as far as maintaining stability and protecting against unfair or ill-advised assumptions.

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