Monday, May 31, 2010

Never Give Up

In Positive Thinking Every Day, Norman Peale also discusses the importance of perseverance and willpower. He stands behind the motto "never give up" without budging throughout the writing. First of all, he says "never talk defeat" and he tells everybody to "use words like hope, belief, faith, and victory." Furthermore he tells us all to "cultivate willpower" in order to make it through all of the hard times that try to bring us down. Most importantly, Peale reminds us that a heart "warmed with the fires of enthusiasm" will never be shaken by "life's blows". Therefore, if everyone holds onto his or her will to carry out a happy and successful life by cultivating an enthusiasm to achieve, the world will have a much stronger foundation from which to evolve and flower.
"It's always too soon to quit!"
-Norman Vincent Peale
Peale wants everybody to know that giving up is never the right choice. Where there is a will, there is a way, and there is always a reason to have a will, or to persevere. The hard times only make us stronger. That's why we all have to struggle to mature and grow into adults. Just as breaking down muscles by lifting weights eventually rebuilds stronger, healthier muscles, fighting through life's many obstacles without giving up, while maintaining a positive outlook on life, guarantees a stronger and healthier adult life for all human beings. Peale tells us all to forget about giving up, because everything in life is worth fighting through in order to better oneself in the future that awaits everyone.

Positive Thinking Every Day- Norman Vincent Peale (pgs. 1-163)

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