Saturday, May 8, 2010

Opposites Attract

During this rough AP testing week, I didn't have time to choose a book to dive into, so i decided to take a look back into Personality Plus...

Initially I had looked into the perfect melancholy characteristics, but upon second glance I noticed the balancing effects of the relationships that form between two people at opposite ends of the spectrum. I noticed that the perfect melancholy, who is normally over-analyzing things or staying away from trouble, if balanced well by the popular sanguine, who is the life of the party and is always bubbling over with laughter. The more laid back and thoughtful mannerisms of the perfect melancholy are counteracted by the outgoing and impulsive mannerisms displayed by the popular sanguine. In this same regard, the popular sanguine's inability to show emotion is counterbalanced by the depth of emotions that the average perfect melancholy possesses.

For these reasons, the book reveals to us that opposites truly do attract. It is not only a saying, but it is psychologically proven. The characteristics of the average perfect melancholy are ideal to create a healthy and positive relationship with the average popular sanguine. As I read even further, I notice that there are even sections that tell the popular sanguine how to cheer the perfect melancholy up, in order for the healthy relationship to flourish.

This just goes to show that everything really is a give and take. In relationships, each person has something of equal value and importance to offer to the other. If this was not true, the relationship would most likely become one-sided, or entirely unhealthy.

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